About this blog

Hello and welcome to my travelling blog.
I've only just started doing this so please bear with me until I've learnt how to maintain a proper and helpful blog.

I started this blog because I just came back from Korea being really frustrated about how few information I found. It did seem enough at first but when we went to the actual places we found that a lot of times the information were not sufficient enough or worse, just were wrong.
I want to contribute these missing information so that others might not get lost every other day.

I'd be glad if you left a message whether the information provides was helpful or not and I'm happy you found this place.

Currently, you will only find information about Korea but as time passes by, I will fill this blog with other countries and cities I have been to.

Dienstag, 10. Juni 2014

Korea, Busan: How to get to Taejongdae Resort Park (태종대 유원지)

Taejongdae Resort Park is small park south of Busan in on of the many islands around Busan.

We had our difficulties finding it because we used the official sightseeing map of Busan which was not helpful at all.
If you look at a map, you will get the impression that the island is mostly nature and forest. In reality it's mostly city apart from the resort park and the hill in the middle. Also it's pretty big so you really do want to either use a car or go there by bus.

More detailed information about the park can be found at the official tourism site of Kora.

The easiest way of getting there is from Busan Station. They are currently rebuilding the area around Busan station so you might need to ask around to find the right bus stop.
You can take the following busses: 66, 88, and 101 with the final stop Chagoji (차고지) and get off at Taejongdae (태종대). It will take 40-45 minutes to get there.
Please note that even though the directions are shown in English on the outside of the bus, neither the bus stop signs nor the station map inside the buses are English so you should definitely learn the Hangul characters or go and ask the bus driver.
Taejongdae is the final stop so just stay seated until the end.
You can take the same buses to get back to Busan station. The bus stop "Busan station" will also be announced in English.

Once you reach the Resort park, you can either walk or take the small train to get you to the sightseeing spots. Please note that the train will only run every other 20minutes and if you get off in the middle and try to get back on, you might have to wait a while.
The train always runs in circles, so no matter where you get off, you always pass all spots.

Source: http://taejongdae.bisco.or.kr
 There are 5 sightseeing spots along the way. It's a pretty long way up the hill to spot no. 3 but not very long between 3 and 4 and 5 is 1 km away from spot no. 4. As you can hop off and on the train any number of times you want, you can alternate between walking and taking the train.

The 5 sightseeing spots are:
1. A beach
2. Gumyeongsa temple
3. Observatory
4. Lighthouse
5. Taejongsa temple

You should definitely get off at the lighthouse as you not only have a wonderful view over the sea but you also have access to a beautiful cliff where you can rest a for a while and enjoy the power of the ocean.

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